In a coincidental phenomenon, stemming from the lore of urban legend, and usually associated with show-business, the world lost three of its major literary figures within the space of a little over a week. Arthur Miller, the New York playwright who revolutionized the American theater with such works as Death of a Salesman, and The Crucible; Hunter S. Thompson, the irascible gonzo journalist who injected a definitive biased spin on countless articles for the magazine Rolling Stone, and whose Death and Loathing in Las Vegas was turned into a memorable motion picture starring Johnny Depp; and Guillermo Cabrera Infante, the Cuban-born novelist who became a British subject and claimed to be the only British author to write in Spanish.
In his own highly specialized field, each one advanced his particular art, and made a lasting impression in the minds of readers and audiences everywhere. Needless to say, they will be missed, but their literary legacy will live on for many generations.