Tuesday, August 15, 2017

René Pape at Bayreuth

René Pape, who is singing the role of King Marke at Bayreuth this summer, stayed at my hotel.  He arrived a few hours before the performance, and stayed overnight.  A private man, he kept to himself, finding a corner where he could have breakfast and interact with his mobile phone.  But not private enough for me to snap a picture of him.  The day of the performance I ran into him and told him that I was looking forward to hearing him as King Marke.  He responded with a cordial nod of the head, and off he went to his car towards the Festspielhaus.

1 comment:

  1. My husband and I were there at the same time you were, also at the Bayerischer Hof. I also snapped a picture of him at breakfast last Tuesday morning (Aug 22).

    His costume as König Marke reminded me of the old Mad Magazine "Spy vs. Spy" cartoons.
